New Box Loom: It's Recycled!

Received a new loom in the mail. It arrived with my name on it!

I put a warp on it right away; handspun, super bulky, Maine wool, alpaca and silk, 9 x 36". I pinned 32 warp ends in place, 7 ends per 2 inches! I marked the shape on the box, to keep selvedges straight and true. The project used 3.7 oz of handspun. 63 yards in total.

I wove the weft with the same yarn in at 3 picks per inch. Going around the corner of the box is a little challenging.

As I wove along, I moved the pins on one end closer to the finished end to reduce warp tension created by weaving. I also pinned the working edges to prevent sides from pulling in. To finish, I washed by gently swishing in warm, soapy water and then air dried it. 

Here it is, on my paper mache model, the rustic cowl would provide a great spot for a large, showy, shawl pin.


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