How to Make a Warp for the Tape Loom

I like to wrap yarn around a convenient, sturdy table to make a warp for this little loom. There are only 27 threads in this warp. A dining room table 6 feet long will make a warp 12 feet long! Use the short end of the table for a shorter warp or cut a long one in half.

1  Glue or tape a sheet of white paper securely to a piece of cardboard, about 6 x 9 inches, big enough to be able to see it clearly. 

2  Tape or clamp cardboard securely to table

3  Follow the draft plan. Begin on one side. See previous blog entry: Colorfilled Checks.

4 Tape the end of one black thread (E) to the paper/cardboard and then wrap the yarn around the table once. Cut the end and tape in place.

5  Repeat step 4, setting out one thread for each color as pictured in the draft. 4 black, then 1 green and 1 white, etc. Place each yarn on the paper in order. 

I know this uses a lot of tape which is plastic but once you get the hang of it you may find better ways. 
Maybe cardboard with 27 notches in it, might work. 

6  Once you have all the yarns in the draft ready, remove the thread ends not attached to the cardboard. Tie them in a knot.

7  Place your loom on the table with the slots and holes hanging out in space, over the edge of a table. Place something heavy, like books, on the other end so it will stay where you put it. 

NOTE- I place a rubber band around the loom near the holes so the threads in the slots line up with the threads in the holes and you can alway see where you are in the threading in pattern.

8  One at a time, undo the threads from the tape and insert each one into a hole or a slot in order. A crochet hook is useful (3.25mm) or a large eye needle or bent paperclip, whatever you have on hand. 

8  Loosely tie off small groups of the warp yarns as you get them threaded. You do not want them to come unthreaded! Grrr when this happens.

9  When all threads are through, knot all the ends together. Keep the ends about the same length. 

10  Prop the loom up between two things, like the couch and a hassock. 

11  Tie a sturdy string around one end of the knotted warp and tie this securely to a door knob, tent pole or whatever you can find. 

12  Pull the ends on the other side of the loom to create even tension. This is kind of like arranging a ponytail. Knot the end securely.  If you want fringe at this end determine where to begin weaving.

13  Wind a few yards of weft around your shuttle. Leave the beginning end long enough to tie in with the ends of the warp and begin weaving. 

How to Weave on the Tape Loom? Check out my video!

Or here are written directions:

Pull back on your warp and lift simultaneously. Pass the shuttle to the right, leaving a thread in place.  If you used the Colorfilled Check draft, the white and lavender threads will rise.
Pull back on your warp and down simultaneously. Pass the shuttle to the left, leaving a thread in place.  If you used the Colorfilled Check draft, the orange, red and green threads will rise.

Stop midway each time to tap the yarns you just wove into place. This is a handy time to switch hands as the warp holds your shuttle between the threads for you.

You determine the width of your tape by how tightly you pull side to side. 
You determine how densely packed by how rigorously you pack the weft in place.

Good Luck, I'm sure you can do it!

If you need help, email me


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