Twig Garden Structures - DETAILS

I work with organizations or individuals to enhance their gardens with Twig Garden Structures that can be built in one day.
Site Prep Mulch and prep site if you wish to plant edible or flowering vines. The structure will become a support for plants. By summer it will be a lush, verdant mound creating a space for imaginative play or a quiet tete a tete. You may be able to pick squash resting on a twig at eye level! Covered with snow and twinkling lights the Twig Garden Structures turn into sparkling fantasy.
How long do they last? Structures are built of natural materials. The ends of fresh cut saplings are placed directly in the ground. The life time of the structure is 2-3 years.
Requirements for Twig Hut or Tunnel:
= I charge non-profit organizations an hourly rate with a 4 hour minimum.
= Travel and lodging compensation
= Hardware reimbursement - I will provide screws, zip ties or other supplies.
= Student or volunteer intern for the duration
= I bring my own tools and expect participants will bring their own tools.
= Permission to photograph participants.
= A large flat area, 25 x 25 feet minimum.
= A slate bar is used to make holes for upright twigs- I am willing to demonstrate, but expect this will be done by participants.
= Twigs and saplings will be supplied by your organization. Requirements listed below.
Twigs and Saplings for 5 foot diameter x 8 foot tall hut:
Minimum of 250, ½ to 1 ½ inch diameter, fresh cut
ash, beech, birch, dogwood, maple, oak, willow,
lengths, 5 - 15 feet best
250 twigs looks like a pick up truck bed full to roof line.
Best are saplings from dense woods, that struggle to grow to reach the sun.
Small stones, corn meal or crushed chalk to mark site
Zip ties - 10 or 12”
Deck Screws - length required is determined by diameter of twigs so having a selection is best.
#6 by 1 inch Square Head
#6 by 1 1/4 inch (difficult size to find) Square Head
Wire and Wire Cutters
I bring my own for my use. Participants my wish to bring:
Garden clippers
Garden loppers
Limb saw
Cordless drill to be used by adults or with supervision.
18 pound slate bar
Safety goggles - I have 6 pairs to share
Wire Cutters - I have one.
6' ladder, can you provide?
Rakes for clean up
I will meet participants, discuss project, tool safety and share ideas. I demonstrate and direct construction.
Ample space is required to construct easily and safely. An object placed on the ground indicates where each leg will go. This could be small stones or corn meal.
A slate bar will be used to make holes (1 ½ inch diameter by 12 inches deep). Twigs placed in holes become legs. Horizontal elements are woven into place and structure becomes more sturdy with each addition.
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