Purple Rain Coat

Building a coat covered w CDs for a fundraising event in Newburyport, MA, Oct 27th. Materials must be cast off or purchased at thrift shop. Cotton gardener's smock was found at Goodwill or Salvation Army. CDs from various places, Dan Eosco at Maine Host in Bath had a nice stack. In fact I found one from Banners Over Bath. It contained images and sponsors of all the banners created for the project in 2008. It is an ongoing annual art exhibit. Canvas banners (mostly) are hung from lampposts throughout downtown Bath. I developed the project in 05 with 15 participants.

Back to the Rain Coat... 72 CDs so far and almost waist high. The arms and neckline are going to be a challenge. Quite a bit of background will show due to the size and shape of the CDs, unlike A Dress Book, where each element could be cut to different sizes. I tried cutting and melting the CDs but the cut edges are quite sharp.  Since they already contain a hole, I decided to use it to stitch them on.

Susan Perrine

Woolwich, Maine


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