Board Books from Salvation Army

9 books $3.37! Score!

Walk with Me! Stella Blackstone & illustrations by Caroline Mockford, (another lift the flap!, Aye, yi yi, Colors just too great to pass up, drawings fabulous and a fox, penguin, zebra, giraffe, donkey, chicken, cat, a scorpion and international kids! Barefoot Books, 2009

Fluffy Bunnies,  Creative Child Press, MCMXCVI  

Me Love Cookies! A Hugs Book, Sesame Street illustrated by Tom Brannon, Reader's Digest, 2011

My Lift the Flap Peekabook Fun (the flap element often renders a page useless but if the image is fabulous I will glue it in place. This book had a purple kiwi so I bought it and decided to deal with the inconvenience.) Yoyo Books, no date

Los deseos de Dora, Dora's Bedtime Wishers, por Phoebe Beinstein, ilustrado Por robert Roper. (Another exciting adventure with Dora la Exploradora, Boots, the monkey, Benny the cow, Isa the alligator and Tico the squirrel.) Simon and Schuster, 2008

Lilly's Chocolate Heart, (Lilly is an elegant little mouse. This square book with two rounded corners has bold solid colors every other page, each containing a little black text, Alternate pages contain a lovely drawing of Lilly, and the inside cover has multi colored stripes of various sizes, the same colors at the full color pages. The problem with this and a lot of these books is which side of the page to use.) Scholastic, 2004

The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Carle, Philomel Books, 1969

Fiddle-I-Fee, Adapted and Illustrated by Melissa Sweet, Little Brown, 1992

Matchbox 911, Pleasant Company, (This little book has white type on dark images. The first I've seen so that was interesting also the subject matter is not adorable so that was unusual too.) 2001

I have noted authors and illustrators in all cases where they are mentioned on each book. I also use the terminology and capitalization as printed. Sometimes I see 'written by' or 'author' or illustrated by' or 'pictures by' etc. I think it is interesting to see what words they choose and it makes me wonder how they think about their work.

Today I started sewing book parts on a shirt. Over the last 7 or 8 days, I finished one colorful and one black, white and gray 'necklace' on cotton backing,(about 55 book-quin pieces each) and 7 smaller necklaces (4 book-quin pieces each,) I used a circle cutter for some of these.


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