Felted Landscapes Workshop Oct 23

I am offering a fiberart workshop in conjunction with Altering Matters: New Work by Maine Members of the Surface Design Association on exhibit Sept7 - Nov 30, 2010

Two Surface Design Association members will be offering workshops at USM's Lewiston-Auburn College. To register, contact Robyn Holman, 207-753-6554 or holman@usm.maine.edu

Felted Landscapes, Saturday, Oct. 23, 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

Create a 10" square felted painting using wool and silk. Susan Perrine will provide instruction and materials to create a one-of-a-kind felted image. In addition the workshop includes a technique of stitching layers together between soluble paper, then immersing in water to dissolve the paper. Ages 12 through adult. $40, including all materials and supplies.

Dyeing Silk Scarves, Saturday, Oct. 16, 1-120 a.m. noon. Katherine Harding, Osprey Cove Studio, will take you through the steps from washing to dyeing to ironing a finished silk scarf during this morning of color-filled play. Some history of dyes, silk, and color are part of this hands-on workshop. Adults and teens; $35, including all materials and supplies.


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